Saturday, April 15, 2017

Catamaran Literary Reader publishes "Final People"

"The homeless waif who appears in Mark Zipoli's touching short story Final People lives a life less promising and more Dickensian."  So says the latest issue of the Catamaran Literary Reader, published today and available for your reading pleasure.  
Here's an excerpt:
"She’s like the rain in Los Angeles, he thought, as he stood before his office window and stared out through the venetian blinds. He was watching the measured steps of a blonde 16-year-old girl walking up Gower Street.

 Like the occurrence of rain in L.A., she was measured: The moments of her loss of control were scarce, few, never sure to be expected, unlike so many of her young homeless friends, whose tempers and spirits carried them exposed, vulnerable, angry from one street to the next. Today, as the winter sunlight collapsed over her head and lay upon the parked cars and bone-dry asphalt, she bore the burden of being used to things."

It's only $14.95 and you can buy it directly from their site. 
Click here.

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